Nov 18, 2010

Prepare your Apartment for Winter

We will have ice melt buckets placed at each stairwell for your use
Please let us know if your area bucket needs to be refilled or if  you need assistance and we would be happy to help.

Have maintenance plug up gaps
Windows aren’t the only drafty places in your apartment.  Check for cracks and gaps outside your apartment near windows and inside by outlets and doors.  Call maintenance and have them use caulk to plug up these leaks.  You can also purchase door draft stoppers to stop cold air from seeping in through cracks.

Set the thermostat
Prepare for winter by setting it to heat your home only during the hours you’re there.  It’s much cheaper to turn the thermostat down during the day when you’re at work and back up when you get home, rather than keeping your apartment warm 24/7.
Turning the thermostat down just three degrees can save you money. That’s why utility companies recommend setting your thermostat to 68 degrees.  Even if you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you can still save money by adjusting your thermostat manually each day.

Check smoke detectors
Check your smoke detectors when you prepare for winter.  While you’re at it, make sure your fire extinguisher still works, too.  Winter weather brings a lot of indoor fire hazards, so checking these devices now is a good idea. Again we would be happy to help you with this just ask.

Winterize yourself
When it’s cold outside, dress appropriately for the weather.  Get the right indoor garb for winter weather:  sweat pants, slippers, warm pajamas, a blanket for the couch.  Instead of turning up your thermostat, make yourself more comfortable with warm clothing.
Just a few small, inexpensive changes can help you stay comfortable — and keep you in the black — this winter.

Please feel free to contact the office if you need assistance with anything. We are here for YOU. (509)926-6539

If you have an after hours maintenance emergency please call 1-877- 801-5175.

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