Mar 30, 2011

A New and Healthy You Cooking Class

A New and Healthy You Cooking Class

Lynne Kinson and Mike Teater, from the Exercise Institute, will be teaching the “A New and Healthy You Cooking” class for our Big Trout Lodge Residents on Wednesday, April 27 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.  This duo will teach you how to prepare nutritious dishes from fresh and healthy foods.  Many of the ingredients used in the recipes can be grown in your garden plot here at Big Trout Lodge (coming summer 2011). These healthy dishes can be a foundation for your improved wellness and vitality. 

Mike and Lynne will demonstrate an appetizer dish, a quinoa dish which serves as a side or main dish.  The demonstrated dishes are economical, nutritious and very tasty.  Come prepared to enjoy a dinner and learn tips on nutritious cooking, recipe substitutions, the healthy fats and oils to use, and alternatives to our traditional “meat” based diet.  This class will be fun, informative and inspiring. 

Mike Teater is the owner of Exercise Institute and a personal trainer of 20 years.  Lynne Kinson, M.S. is a Wellness Coach with a background in nutrition, health and working with clients with heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and weight management issues. They combine their love of educating individuals, nutrition and cooking to provide classes for groups who are interested in improving their health and fitness.  Join them for entertaining and inter   active demonstration and dinner.